Friday, April 10, 2009

Coping with Miscarriage

After we found out that we had lost our baby I was traumatized. I was sure I had done something to cause it. My doctor assured me that I didn't do anything wrong, that these things just happen sometimes. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it was my fault. Everyone told me that I couldn't have done anything differently than I did and that it was meant to be.
After months of persuasion and inner seeking I finally accepted the fact that I had lost my baby and it was just my bodies way of getting rid of something that would never have been healthy. I looked a lot on about miscarriage and some of the posts there helped me a lot. Also just coming to terms with myself was all I could do to really get over it. I encourage any and all who may be going through this rough expirience to talk about it and post any and all questions or concerns you may have. Look at this address to see questions I've answered about miscarriage.

To brighten things up a bit I'll tell you that once you have one miscarriage that your chances of having another miscarriage goes down a great deal as long as there is not an underlying problem that caused the first miscarriage.

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