Monday, April 13, 2009

Second Time Around

After finding out that I had lost my first baby I was eager to get back on the horse and try again. Now knowing that I have Rh negative blood I also knew that I would need Rhogam. If a mother had negative blood and the father had positive blood then a fetus may end up having positive blood and the mother's blood does not recognize the extra (the plus) in it and tries to attack it, resulting in death or birth defect to the baby. To prevent this Rhogam is given. Now if both mother and father have negative blood then there is nothing to worry about. But my husband has positive blood.
When I asked the doctor that was on call that I was sent to after my miscarriage about it he must have told me the wrong thing accidentally because he said I would need the Rhogam after 4 weeks when really it was within 4 DAYS or even better, within 72 hours. So when I went in to get the Rhogam they said I was too late and that now I had to wait three months to get pregnant again to make sure I hadn't built up antibodies to the baby that I lost. It was a very frustrating time, knowing that if I had seem MY doctor and not the doctor on call that I would have been able to get the Rhogam in time and been able to start trying to get pregnant again.
Luckily after the three months had passed I was tested and I had not built up any antibodies to the baby and I was free to start trying to get pregnant again.
In this we were extremely lucky. We got pregnant the first month we started trying! I was unwilling to hope so soon even though my period was a day or two late, even though I was already starting to feel a few of the pregnancy symptoms that I had first felt with that first baby. The two most prominent of these symptoms were a relenting metallic taste in my mouth and the inescapable tender and tingly breasts.
I didn't want to waste money on expensive pregnancy tests if I wasn't pregnant, so I went to the dollar store and found a couple. To my very great surprise I found out that they are just as accurate, if not more accurate, than just about any other test out there. In fact, the test I took detected hCG levels at 20mlU/ml. The lower the number the sooner it can detect hCG. First Response Pregnancy Test detects it at 25lU/ml! So check out the dollar store tests first!
Back to my story, I got a few tests from the dollar store and took the first. At first I felt that crushing disappointment that anyone wanting to be pregnant and reading a negative pregnancy test feels. My husband told me he was sorry and that it would happen soon. I sat on my bathroom floor with the test on the toilet seat just staring at it. And slowly a second line appeared. It wasn't an evaporation line as sometimes happens if you let the test sit too long. I called to my husband and told him there was a second line! He said he couldn't see it. But I know I could!
The next morning I took another test, just to prove it to him, and sure enough this time the line was dark enough that he couldn't even doubt its existence! And here began the biggest adventure of our lives!

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