Friday, May 1, 2009

Ultra Sounds and Nausea

This is my sweet daughter at twelve weeks! In every ultra sound I had she was so active! The ultra sound techs got such a kick out of her! She never stopped moving! And she still doesn't!

The below picture, from the last post, is the very first ultra sound we had of our little Afton. This is only when I was six weeks along. The reason I had an ultra sound so early was because of my previous miscarriage and the doctor wanted to make sure everything was starting out well and the way it should. The picture is a bit fuzzy but you can see a small blob in the dark circle at the top. That's our little baby! We got to see her little heart beating already! It was going 120 BPM which for how far along I was is exactly where it should be. It was so exciting! The doctors told us that once you see and hear the heart beat the chances of miscarriage go down by a fair amount. We were so thrilled!
About a week after that ultra sound, when I was thinking how easy pregnancy was going to be and sure I'd have an easy time of it, the nausea hit.
I've never before felt like my stomach might come out through my mouth and nose. I couldn't eat anything without it coming right back up. I learned to eat things that were better coming up versus other things. Yogurt, for instance, doesn't burn when it comes back up. Through all of this I somehow managed to be at least healthy enough to keep my baby. I ended up in the hospital at one point with IV fluids because I was so dehydrated. Along with the fluids they gave me Phenergan. It made me so loopy! I couldn't talk without slurring and I could barely walk. Oh man I hated it! Some people like that feeling but I can't stand it! I hate feeling out of control. Or rather, not in control of my body. They gave me a pill to take any time I felt I needed it called Zofran. It worked well enough to at least keep me from throwing up EVERYTHING. Although I was still nauseous all the time. It dissolved in my mouth so that the medicine could actually get into my system even if I did throw up. It tasted like mint but had that bitter medicine taste underneath all the mint. But it still helped a lot!
At about 16 weeks the nausea decreased dramatically and here came the funnest part of my pregnancy!

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